Sunday, July 12, 2009

An open letter to Timeslife (Homosexuality)


Narendra Singh
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1:38 pm

Jul 12, 2009 1:38 PM

Disappointing an ill logical article ( Gay fantasy...)


Dear Vinita,


Hope this mail finds you well.

It’s disappointing to read your article published (today, 12/07/09) on Times life. I am amazed that how some one can write anything without knowing the facts, causes and impact on the society on such issue!!
What did you want to depict!!

Just a lifestyle or a freedom to do anything which does not hurt anyone else!!

What is not a wrong with loving and being loved the way a person wishes to!! How someone can forget the person makes the society, country and the world. How anyone can detach from the personal and social responsibility. Should we not show the discipline while expressing our desire on such matter?

Tomorrow you can claim that if someone wants to marry his dog, why shouldn't he be able to? Would you support on the basis of the having a choice of the sex that a person wants with his brother or parent? What if a person wants to have 8-10 homosexual/wives? Today we are going to support homosexuality, because it does not hurt anyone. There is no surprise!! Tomorrow we have bunch of supporters of having sex on open colleges, gardens, malls and public places, because if two persons are agreed! What’s the harm!! And, why should society come in between.

Choice of sex is not an arbitrary construct which can be simply mold by the people who just claim for pleasure. It is built on moral, religious and human realities. It is based on a natural teleology on the different, complementary nature of men and women. It is the base root of the institution, which we propagate, nurture, educate and sustain our species through.

It’s not all about the lifestyle or having a selection on sex. It is about what sort of lifestyle you are heading towards, and what is the impact on our surrounding as well. I am firmed that it’s our responsibly who has to raise the curb on such endless desire and constitute a concrete sex/marriage system. Sex is the on of the constituent to build up the universe. Originally the sex was only for creation. However now it has turned into pleasure. You still can see the animal, where the discipline is still maintained. They have sex only for creation of the species. Are you aware about the causes and impact of such syndrome! Let me tell you some facts on homosexuality.

Scientists have not been able to conclude that there is any gene or combination of genes that will make someone gay. It caused by environmental factors, such as upbringing, child molestation, an absent mother or affectionate father or the impressions of the people are around. And, a scientific study has revealed that homosexual behavior significantly increases the psychiatric, mental and emotional disorders. People are prone to four times more to suffer major depression, anxiety disorder, conduct disorder and multiple disorders. It does not mean that I am a supporter of ill treater of such people, obviously they deserve harmony, cure and treatment equally. Helpful responses of a therapist treating an individual who is troubled about her or his same sex attractions include helping that person actively cope with social prejudices against homosexuality, successfully resolve issues associated with and resulting from internal conflicts, and actively lead a happy and satisfying life.

I am not surprised that most of the people, around you have the gay fantasies. However, I have almost all people around me, who are straight, even do not like such behaviours and expressions. That’s all about the surroundings you have, so I can not claim that all people have heterosexual or homosexual fantasy. However, we should encourage, what is good for us and society.

Any law has to be constituent after seeing the positive and negative impact on the society and country. Law can not be made to please one’s desire. So please be specific and do not support any such thing, which could be a cause of distorted society.

With Regards,
Narendra Singh

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